Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kooky Rudolph

What do you do when your parents insist on wearing the Santa hats that YOU WANT TO WEAR? Well, make your own holiday costume, of course. So here, is Lucy, in her Rudolph nose and antlers. Lucy pretends to be an animal 90% of her day, so this just fits right in to her routine, and I am loving it. It is so crazy and cute & just like her!
We have actually not had such a cute couple of days. Very taxing on my poor psyche (it can't take much, unfortunately). I lost my patience early in the day yesterday, and never really got it back. What I did get was a yummy piece of chocolate truffel cake from Huckleberries, which just about made everything better :).Gabe was so funny with the decorating. He was thrilled all day to get it done. Then, when we started I explained to him that one box is full of ornaments that he could put on the tree all by himself, and that the other box has a bunch of breakable ornaments and he has to be SO CAREFUL, and MUST HAVE A GROWN UP with him to put one of these on. So, which box does Gabe choose. Hmmmm. Gabe chose only breakable ornaments, wanted to load them up all on one branch, or be held suspended over the tree in order to place it up high. It was actually a huge crack up.

Here is a so-so shot of my new outdoor Christmas decorations. I LOVE them. They are really cheery and cute & I got W to hang Xmas lights on the house for the FIRST TIME! If I am able to take any better photos of them I will post. :)

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sad Rudolph

Here is Sad Rudolph, our house mascot. He represents our mismatched but well-loved Christmas decorations, and he just cracs me up. Also, the kids just really love him. He is the first and easiest decoration to go up, so I don't have more to share yet, but will this weekend.
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I think this is going to be our Christmas card picture this year. We don't have any snow yet this year, so I can't get a good winter shot of these two doing wintery things like I usually like to do. Gotta tell you, it's not really putting me in a Christmas card making mood. I am hoping for a beautiful light snowfall that is perfect for a photo op and then just melts away. I am loving this mild weather - but mama wants snow in her Christmas cards!
I bought some decorations at Target today and will hopefully be getting them put up in the next couple of days. I think they are going to be soooo cute (they are outdoors decorations) but I am sore scered they it could be too minimal. But, I have done zero decorating outdoors in the previous years, so it will certainly be a step up no matter what, right? I'll post some pics & we'll see if it works or not.
It is going to be a busy December, but lots of fun. I am looking forward to visiting with my friends & family & really watching my kids enjoy the holidays.